Few people know that men also have a G spot. In society, there is an opinion that men get orgasm solely from penile stimulation. But this did not happen.
Men have their own G -spot - the prostate. The orgasm from its stimulation is similar to a female vaginal orgasm. However, in the excitement, no one remembered it.
How to find it
Often, young people are unaware that men generally have a G-spot and where it is located. Usually, they get an orgasm by stimulating the penis, which is located on the outside. And the G point in men is hidden in the depths of the pelvis. The arteries and veins of the prostate are connected to ducts located in the penis, which unite them. And in shape and size, the male G-spot resembles a walnut and is no more than 4 square centimeters.
Finding him will not be easy. This can be done through the anus. You need to penetrate a depth of 5-6 centimeters and feel the surge in the front wall. He was found!

But giving an orgasm in this way may not be easy, and because of male prejudice. There is a stereotype that only members of same -sex love get pleasure from prostate stimulation. Therefore, before looking for a G-spot in a man, you need to talk to him about it and find out his opinion.
G-spot stimulation in men
G-spots have been found in men, so you should start stimulating them. There are two ways.
Exterior. . . To stimulate the G-spot from the outside, you just need to press on the area between the scrotum and anus. Use your thumb and forefinger to perform smooth and gentle movements. If the partner is not experiencing sensations, then all actions must be stopped.
Inner. . . This will provide an unforgettable experience for the young man, again, provided he agrees to it.
This method shows that the woman inserts her finger into the man’s anus, feels the prostate and continues to stimulate it. Everything should be very smooth to avoid injuries caused by negligence.
About preparation
Proper preparation for this process takes an important place in getting male pleasure during stimulation.
Man. . . The most ideal option is an enema, which will clean the rectum for a greater aesthetic.
Women. . . You need to keep an eye on your hands: cut nails that are too long so as not to damage your partner and not cause inflammatory processes in the body. Hands should be washed thoroughly and, ideally, medical gloves should be worn before sexual intercourse. While performing the action itself, a man should take the position that is most comfortable for him: most often this is a position either on his back or on his stomach.

How to sort Ji points
With the right stimulation, a magical orgasm for a young man is guaranteed. It should be noted that the simulation looks like a mild pressure on the prostate in a certain rhythm. The movement must be soft circular in different directions. With a small amplitude, so as not to get a rubbed spot instead of a magical sensation.
Lubricant must be used. This is a special lubricant, on a different basis, more often on the water. There must be a lot. Anesthetic lubricants, most commonly used for anal sex, are the best. With its help, the discomfort is reduced.
To inflict the least harm on the partner when inserting the finger, you do not have to insert it sharply, but, as such, attach it by twisting the finger. This introduction does no harm.
It’s hard to persuade a man to insert a finger, but when using a toy, the orgasm becomes stronger. However, for this you need to convince the young man that in this way the sensation will be more magical.
The most important thing in this process is absolute cleanliness. Hands must be washed several times before the procedure and several times afterwards to prevent infection.
The G-spot in men is located in such a way that it is much easier to find it than the G-spot in women. However, it is difficult to predict whether a partner will agree to such a stimulus. But, if he agrees, and the woman does everything right, an unforgettable sensation is guaranteed to him.