Male sexual power is an important aspect of a healthy family relationship. If men have problems with potency, this not only affects their physical health, but can trigger psychological problems. Erectile function can be disrupted at any time, no one is immune from this, and there are many reasons for such pathology. Even transferred stress can cause sexual dysfunction.
Men in this situation begin to wonder: "How to quickly increase potential at home? ". There are several ways that can improve erections and prolong sexual intercourse, but to achieve this effect, you need to act on the root cause. Knowing the problem is not always possible on its own, to restore potential, you need to seek help from an expert. First you need to contact a sexologist or andrologist, who, if necessary, will refer you to consult another doctor.
How to quickly increase potential at home?
Restoration of sexual function in men is possible by the following methods:
- Taking medications.
- Traditional medical methods.
- Normalization of nutrition.
Potential treatment needs to be carried out thoroughly. The main method is medicine + psychotherapy. In further cases, when it is not possible to increase potency conservatively, they resort to surgical intervention. Attention! Medication for potency should be chosen only by a physician. Medications alone can make the condition worse.
Folk methods and recipes

Folk methods for treating potency involve the use of herbs that affect libido. The advantages of such therapy are, in addition to the normalization of erectile function:
- Anti-inflammatory effect in organs of the male reproductive system, including the prostate gland.
- Elimination of infectious processes.
- Eliminate congestion.
Treatment of erectile dysfunction with folk remedies gives results. This is confirmed by many reviews. Doctors also do not prohibit the use of medicinal herbs as part of complex therapy, but before practicing such treatment yourself, you should consult a specialist. Infusions and decoctions have an effect on the body of the cavernous sinuses of the male genital organs, contribute to the expansion of the penile ducts and the restoration of blood circulation. Impaired erectile function is often the result of:
- The process of stagnation in the body.
- infection.
- prostate adenoma.
Below we list traditional medicine recipes that will help reduce or completely eliminate pathology:
- Infusion of fresh nettle leaves. Cut the leaves and pour boiling water over them (about 100 g of plant will be needed for 300 ml of water). Such folk remedies should be taken at least 3 times a day.
- Therapeutic mass of ginseng root powder and honey. The drug perfectly stimulates libido and allows you to prolong erections at home. To prepare, you need half a tablespoon of crushed roots and 2 tablespoons of melted honey. Treatment regimen: 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.
Boil thyme
This plant is rich in zinc, which helps normalize the production of sex hormones. Dried flowers (100g) poured a glass of boiled water, insist, filtered. You can drink boiled water 5 times a day.
- Calamus root also contributes to the normalization of male power. You can chew the roots 3 times a day, or make a special remedy from 2 tablespoons of crushed roots and vodka. In a little vodka (up to 100 g), soak the indicated amount of calamus. The drug is used 3 times a day, 10 drops.
- St. John’s wort is a home remedy that can eliminate blood stasis in the penis and normalize erections. The grass is boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for about a day, and then filtered. Treatment regimen: 3-4 times a day for 50 g.
- Tea from rowan berries (150 g), rose hips and gooseberry leaves, each 50 g. The mixture is rolled with one liter of water, boiled for 20 minutes. Drink tea 1 cup 3 times a day.
Aspen bark helps in combating potency. The effect becomes noticeable after 6 days. Infusions and decoctions not only normalize erectile function, but also strengthen the immune system, improve the function of the circulatory and respiratory systems, and even calm the nerves. Extracts isolated from the aspen tree have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects on the body due to the phagocytes and flavonoids contained in it.
Recipe with aspen bark
- Absorption of aspen bark. Crushed bark in an amount of 200 g is poured with one liter of boiling water. Leave for 60 minutes to firm, strain. The product is stored for 2 days. It is recommended to use 3 times a day for 100 ml.
- Absorption with propolis. The infusion prepared according to the above scheme is mixed with propolis. Treatment regimen: 1 tablespoon three times a day.
- Alcohol -colored from aspen bark. 200 g of crushed bark is poured with 1 liter of alcohol. Remove the mixture in a dark place for 2 weeks for absorption. Drink the tincture strictly before meals for 50 g.
To cure erectile dysfunction, you need to follow a special diet. Nutritionists list products that increase male potency, which include:
- Meat, preferably chicken or lean beef. The key to male strength is normal levels of testosterone, which are obtained when sufficient levels of animal fat enter the body. The source of this fat is meat.
- Semen glands of animals (males).
- Sea fish and seafood. Seafood is rich in zinc and silenium, which have a positive effect on erections. It is better to eat mackerel or flounder, shrimp, clams, crustaceans. The product only needs to be boiled.
- Eggs (quail and chicken). They contain inositol and choline. These substances increase the production of sex hormones and maintain the integrity of the membranes.
- Dairy products. The diet must necessarily contain cheese, cottage cheese, butter and cream. They contain butyric acid, which has another positive effect - it protects the body from neoplasms and generally has a beneficial effect on the whole body.
- chocolate. In addition to normalizing potency, this product improves mood and allows the body to cope with stress.
A man’s diet should also contain pumpkin seeds, rye bread, vegetable oils (peanuts, olives and flax seeds), mushrooms and fish oil.
The diet should not contain fried, smoked, spicy foods. Fast food, canned food, pickles and alcoholic beverages are also excluded, as are black tea and coffee.
How to improve erections at home?
You can restore old erections at home with all of the above methods. Inpatient treatment is indicated only in difficult cases, when conservative treatment has failed, then treatment is performed surgically.
When choosing a drug, you cannot do it yourself. The drug is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account all possible side effects. In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, traditional medicine and special diets are prescribed.
Also, with erectile dysfunction, you need to load the body with moderate physical activity on a daily basis. You can contact a specialist to select the appropriate set of exercises. The complex should aim to eliminate blood stasis in the lower part of the body, including in the penis, and to establish normal blood circulation. This effect is given by squatting, running, lifting the pelvis from a prone position.
Not only to solve the problem, but also to prevent impotence, doctors recommend doing the following exercises every day: take a standing position. Periodically strain and relax the anal muscles. Muscles should not be tense for long, about 5 - 7 seconds.
To improve erections, doctors recommend a contrast bath just before sexual intercourse. Periodic exposure to cold and hot water stimulates nerve cells, excites them, and improves the circulatory process in the body, preventing stagnation. Contrast baths in combination with decoctions or tinctures of herbs enhance its effect.
As an herbal medicine, you can use medicines that contain:
- The secret of beach snails.
- The extract was isolated from northern moss.
- Extracts isolated from monkfish.
- Monkfish liver tissue.
Administration scheme: once a day for 2 weeks, 3-5 drops. Reviews and clinical observations show that the effect becomes noticeable after 5-6 days.