Home remedies to increase potency in men, it can very well help in the fight against erectile dysfunction and prostatitis. They can also improve the production of testosterone, which is especially important after the "male menopause". Such revenues are, and for women, it helps to fight against inflammation, and normalize the synthesis of estrogen.
The causes of the decrease of the output power

The board, acting in an adverse effect on the power output, which can be divided into two groups: psychogenic and organic.
- Mental fatigue and exhaustion in relation to load (have a great responsibility in the work, the experiences, the emotional, the mental, using the names of the load, related to the study and processing of large amounts of information);
- Depression and subdepressivee the state;
- Posttromboticeski syndrome, (a state, after his experience of the difficult life event, eg, divorce, death of a loved one, and t. p.);
- Insecurity, and the rise of the anxiety associated with the stumbling blocks in one's personal life, dissatisfaction with their appearance, and the size of the penis, and t. p.;
- Epkendriya – an over-concern about your health, when it is a man in search of himself, the non-existence of a disease, or is very exaggerated, the danger and the fear of losing the male power for ever.
- The conflict with the partner, which has led to loss of desire to have sex with her.
Male enhancement
To improve the power in men of the age, and the young people, you need to have a large amount of nutrients. In order to remain in the body for men and vitamins and minelayers best to take care of the folk ways as well. To increase the power of the male, that are required for the following minerals:
- Of zinc;
- Selenium;
- The chrome rails and complement each other;
- Magnesium;
- The b complex vitamins;
- Vitamin C;
- The Vitamin E;
- Vitamin E.
Rarely, it may be called the people of the rapid methods. By increasing the power of popular tools, from 3 days to produce, it will be a difficult one. Do you need more over the course of the treatment. After all, in folk medicine, involving mainly due to the natural ingredients. They will help you, not right away, but the effect is more stable in the excited state of the tablets.
A useful man is of the world. The biggest benefit is that it has a ticonlogo juice, and fresh-have not been heat-treatment of the seeds.
In the dishes, the pumpkin contains a large amount of zinc. This item is a must for the male body, so that a large quantity to produce testosterone. This is especially important for an old man.
And of all the fatty acids, they help the representatives of the stronger sex, of all ages. After all, the prostatitis, in modern-day heavily-pOMOlodel, and the omega-3's it is best to prevent them.
We will provide you with both a special prescription, also known among the Russian folk methods:
- The balls from the seeds of the squash with the honey. To download a mill of 0.5 kg of seeds is of fresh, not roasted. Add a cup of the fat, honey, comlepete-dense granules with a diameter of about 10 mm in diameter. In the morning, eat two or three of the noetameNCe. In a recipe to properly clean out the seeds. When you strip the bark, leave it in place and the fine will be the responsibility of the buyer, they are no longer needed for the output power of the micro-nutrient;
- Again, we have lost clothes the same method as that of the seed through a meat grinder. Comlepete of those derived from the potato, and bake in the oven, just don't peRecomushenoethte. It's a delicious dessert and bring it to the tea party. Especially if you have prepared piskam add the honey.
Celeriac (celery root)
It's a plant, not everyone has to like it. However, it is very useful to enhance male potency. In particular, a major source of nutrients to the roots of the celeriac (celery root). In the direction of the right nutrients, a little bit less.
Rhizomes and stems of a celery – one of the best ways to increase the power of a man. A glass of freshly squeezed juice and the celeriac (celery root), just prior to an act of an intimate nature will help you to feel more self-confident.
Try these home remedies for male enhancement with celeriac (celery root):
- Grinding rhizomes and stalks of celery. We've also added shredded carrot, and turnip greens. Additionally, with the taste of the olive oil and the juice of a lemon, and salt, it is best not to add to it. We use it as a regular salad dressing, is a delicious, and nutritious;
- The dried celeriac (celery root). PeReteRAem in the state of powder. Convenient to use, so always add it to the food, and at the same time improving its performance;
- Three, is located on a grater. We pack the obtained mixture in a double layer of cheesecloth, squeeze the juice. 2 as a comt. l. a for a day will be enough to boost the power of men. You can also add a bit of honey, which has been the most enjoyable;
- Cut Fine celery. We've added sheep, grapes, and crushed walnuts. ParapRavlEuem of sour cream, or any other paraecomlOMOlnohnsme products. In one day, without any injury to the pictures, you can have up to 2 parts, and recover your strength.
All parts of the plant, a group of botanists call "paraeRReth uzparanolecomtNY", formerly used in Russian folk medicine. For the treatment of male potency, adequate leaves, and flowers. Take the form of Ivan-tea is a great substitute for coffee and tea, which are detrimental to the sexual activity of the males.
The following are popular tools in order to increase the power used in Ivan-tea
- Hair. Take a cup of boiling water and a tablespoon or so of dry Ivan-tea. I close the lid, holding for 20 minutes. In the mornings and in the evenings you need to drink half cup of this dye to the subject. The course of treatment with this people method of the thirty day period. We had so much fun, and, if necessary, repeated;
- For the vegetable broth. 2 as a comt. l. the dried plant vocêcomspeem in paraecomtryulUTI, pour it in a glass of water. Once the water is boiling, make the heat to the lowest, close the lid, when in the light of the boils, we maintain a 15-minute walk away. Turn off the board two hours, we paraecomtryulUTI closed. Ready to go, with the broth you can drink. Best of all, 2. h. l., to three times a day on an empty stomach;
- Drinking the tea. Nopnolecomparaenoeem the tea with the boiling water. We need 3 h. l.), dry Ivan-tea, and pnolletRA of boiling water. Brew our tea, but, initially, vocêlenoeem is not a volume of boiling water to one-third. After 7 minutes, add the rest of the hot water, even a little, it's quite good. This drink can be consumed in large quantities, and that the power is going to get. According to your taste, add honey, more or less, of boiling water, so if you like strong or weak tea.
Ginger is one of those ingredients that are used in the folk medicine of the far East. This home is ideal for you to use it each and every day, to strengthen his power. Here, it contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the good we do.
It is used in the following are the popular methods to increase the potency of men:
- We take the root fresh, ginger, and pickled vegetables. You need to be an option for the product. Cut your thin slices, then remove the peel. It should be zegnotnonolene bank capacity of 3 liters, filled with the marinade. You need 1.5 cup of rice vinegar, 3 such as comt. l. a-tablespoon-of-mass. Add in the water, try out some of the peremeshivaem. When we go to sleep and slices of ginger. After seven hours, it is already possible to eat.
- At this point, it can be used as often as it dried in the spice "ginger", and as the fresh roots. We got the ginger and the honey in a 1:1 ratio of the mix. Put them in a cool place within 15 days. Before going to bed, use a couple of tablespoons. It can also be used as a useful power output of a dessert;
- Grate the fresh ginger rhizome on a grater, the better – rather than to the surface. Pour in the vodka. Ginger married with dye with all the nutrients, not less than 12 days. After that, you will need to filter the dye through a strainer. To taste, adding the juice of a lemon to the batter, and a little bit of cinnamon on top. Before going to bed, drink a teaspoon of tincture, washed down with water.
How to increase the power in your home?
The correct diet is very beneficial for male sexual life
Not wanting to see their doctor, many patients ask, " how do you increase the power in your home. Some of them have to resort to the use of a powerful drug drug. But it is worth considering that such assets have a series of indications and contra-indications. It's a much more efficient approach to a complex problem, and physical activity, a balanced diet, simple ways that you can help to "normalize" the power of man.
The exercise contributed to the speeding up of the circulation of the blood which gives the flow of blood to the sexual organ. During the practice of sport is produced in the resistance, and this has a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse. To increase the potency of men, it is recommended that you perform the following exercises:
- The back squat. You must perform a squat classic, and then return to the starting position. A repeat is recommended to be between 20 and 25 times.
- "In the footsteps of a soldier". You must follow the steps, lifting the knees up to the stomach. The hand is allowed to keep arbitrarily, or to move the time. Step inside for 1 minute.
- The elevation of the pelvis. Lie down on your back, lean on your hands, feet, and blades. To accomplish the elevation of the pelvis, and then return to the starting position. The exercise is to simulate the movement of "front-back". Repeat 25 to 30 times.
- "The retention of the stone. Install the feet about shoulder width apart, placing your hands on your hips. Squat increased very slowly, by gently bending the knees, the back squat should not be performed until the very end. The pressure at the position of maximum stretch in the buttocks. Repeat 10 to 15 times.
- "On the bike". Lie down on your back, keep your hands at the time. For prosohnut your knees and put your hands up, run to the feet of the movement, mimicking a ride on his bike.
- Do not move in the place. Running in place, being careful not to get your feet on the ground, far away.
A permanent and regular basis on the execution of the back squat, it helps to improve the activity of the eggs as they begin to produce more of the hormone testosterone, which directly affects the power output
To achieve the result that Kegel exercises are to be conducted on a regular basis, with the gradual increase of the load. These actions can be performed throughout the sexual activity, in order to increase the length and improve the quality of services.
The diet
Before sexual intimacy it is recommended that the consumption of oranges to increase the duration of sexual intercourse
To improve erection, men should try to adhere to a special diet. There are products that contribute to the strength of the male, and to improve the power output. These include the following:

- Salt-water fish. Especially in male potency, affect the halibut and the mackerel. They contain a large number of phosphorus, which increases the production of male hormones.
- Turnips. It also contains a large number of different amino acids, which improve the libido and increase the male's power. The vegetable is not recommended for hepatitis a, and if you are having problems with your central nervous system.
- The lemons and oranges. It is advisable to drink immediately prior to sexual intimacy, as these fruits have prolonged the duration of sexual intercourse. In addition to this, they will act as anti-oxidants, healthy and the whole body.
- The egg of the quail. It can be eaten even in their raw form, as it is absolutely harmless the product is. A great amount that contain amino acids and potassium, that increases the libido, and improves the quality of the sexual act.
- Banana. Contribute to and extend the length of the inner workings of the act, as well as getting the brilliant feeling for him. In addition, the fruit can improve the function of the whole reproductive system.
- The honey and perga. They contain a lot of protein, which is essential to the quality of the sex life. They are involved in the production of testosterone, and therefore, for the purpose of use is perceived is not fast enough.
- For the chocolate. Contribute to the formulation of a hormone, serotonin is known as hormone of happiness. This product increases sexual desire and improves sensation during intimacy.
In addition to this, men are opting for these products, such as meat, fat, sweet, sparkling water, alcoholic beverages, and products to make them relax. These foods are able to cause the erectile function, also to cause a number of diseases of the digestive system. The amount of salt in the diet must be reduced.
To increase the power to help some of the drug the drug and also for a special massage. The technique of massage has no contraindications, causes no complications, because of this, men are before sexual intercourse, it is recommended that you perform a self-massage of the genital.
The massage is done in accordance with the following rules:
- massage you must, the area of the eggs, increases the sex drive it as often as possible.
- You know when you run every day, and it's also not necessarily just before having sexual contact.
- The massage can take up to and even during sexual intercourse, it will help you keep an erection, as well as to extend the life of union with god.
- The type of massage that is helpful when you called male menopause, which on average, arrives after more than 50 years of age or older.
- The movement, when the massage should be gentle and light-weight, it is not recommended to do it ripped off the move.
- During the massage, you should not have any kind of pain or any uncomfortable feeling. When you see the need to stop the process.
Massage gives you energy, and enhances the men, but the effect is much as it is possible to achieve, when taken on regular runs. Massage helps not only to increase the power in the house, but it also had an impact on their life. Treatments for the regular make a close, high-quality, adding new sensations.
For a quick increase of the engine power shall be used for drug drug. It is recommended to use only if all other methods fail to bring good results. The tablets are enough for many of the indications and contra-indications and side-effects. Its regular intake may lead to addiction. In this case, an erection will not occur no special pills.
Home remedies to increase male potency and act from far away, don't fly. However, if you don't have health problems, diseases, these methods help to restore your virility, and without detriment to the health, for a very long time.