Accumulated for centuries, the knowledge of the healers allow each man to choose a medication to solve the first problems of impotence in bed. Recipes for power suggest the proper use of herbal medicinal products and food products. It is important to remember that the application of folk remedies should be of long duration: the natural components differ cumulative effect, therefore, it is necessary to tune on a long course of treatment.

The recipes effective way to increase the power
Effective recipes to increase the strength of the male – sport-infused, alcohol tincture, different tea. Also useful to use special dishes-an aphrodisiac, stimulant, excitement and emotional level.
Pan of drinks
Ginger is one of the most famous natural stimulants. In addition, it activates the blood circulation and the synthesis of testosterone, struggling with premature ejaculation, normalizes the background psychological.
Also the plant has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system and free from urological diseases. In combination with the honey, another potent activator of power, horned root, becomes the most effective means to combat erectile dysfunction.
The most popular drink of ginger tea. It is prepared as follows:
- Boil 2 liters of water;
- Take the root fresh, clean, finely chop and pour into a boiling liquid;
- Lower the gas and cook it for a drink 15 minutes;
- Add a slice of lemon and a little honey;
- Drink a glass after meals.
More than one version of the exotic – coffee with ginger. Recipe for the preparation of:
- Take the powder of ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, and rosemary;
- How to mix the components;
- Cook as a normal coffee, the aspect ratio – ½ teaspoon of the profits of the mixture in a cup.
Tincture of marsh calamus
Plant marsh air resolves a whole range of activities.
Receiving potions to a plant helps:
- Restore sexual desire;
- Stabilize the erection;
- Face the disease genital and urinary tract;
- Intensify the flow of blood in the genitals;
- To increase the vitality.
To make a tincture at the base of the root of the medicinal herbs, you need to:
- Grind to a powder in 100 g of root;
- Pour a litre of vodka of high quality;
- Insist 2 weeks in the dark.
- Time in a few days to shake;
- Drink 5 ml before breakfast or dinner.

Vitamin compounds
The combination of nuts, dried fruit and honey are able to overcome many of the signs of erectile dysfunction. Such compounds it is very simple to do in the house, also, they are tasty and nutritious.
Effective the dishes are prepared so:
- In the bowl of a blender pour 250 ml jar of honey. There pour 180 g of apricots and prunes. Clean 150 g of chopped walnuts and add to the components. Grind until get a homogeneous mass. You must eat 1 spoon twice a day, drinking yogurt or mixing with sour cream;
- Mix 100 g of peeled pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashew nuts, hazelnuts and walnuts. Grind in a convenient way. Service dosage – 1 tablespoon. Prior to the daily intake you need to mix with the honey in a ratio of 3:1.
Scrambled eggs for power
In substance, the recipes for the power of the men take the preparation of dyes, however, effectively and fast enough to achieve an erection is possible with the help of eggs, cooked in a particular way.
On the basis of 3 components have a positive effect on the sexual value:
- Eggs contain required men of protein, and the substance, by activating the production of testosterone;
- Onions, furthermore, provides a high level of sexual hormones, sharpening the sensitivity in the penis and increases the microcirculation in the organ;
- Garlic, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces the activity of pathogenic micro-organisms, with bacterial prostatitis.
Fry an egg should be so:
- 2 finely chopped onions and fry until dark golden color;
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and crack 3 eggs;
- Crush a couple of cloves of garlic and pour in the almost finished eggs.
If necessary, you can expand the number of ingredients, adding the chopped meat, or chopped tomato. The first option makes the dish better fed, the second one provides an additional vitamin complex.
Recipe with horseradish
The usual Russian horseradish is a plant that has a beneficial effect on the function.
The root contain useful substances, help improve circulation, signs of infectious diseases, normalize the reproductive function, increase sexual desire.
First of all, the regular consumption of cock kvass helps to solve problems with the power. Prepare the medicine you can drink alone:
- Grind 0.5 kg of roots, and pour 1.5 l of purified water cold;
- Leave in the dark and cool for a week;
- At the expiration of the time to squeeze in an infusion of the juice of 4 small lemons;
- Add 500 g of honey is light and can;
- Again, to insist 7 days;
- Drinking 20 g twice a day, an hour after the food intake.

Loving tea
Recipes from the love of tea has come down to us of their age. For the preparation using such as taxes and medicinal herbs separately.
Naturopaths advise to use the thyme and nettles. The first component is involved in the treatment of various sexual disorders, the second increases the libido, increases the production of male sex hormones, stimulates the blood circulation in the genital area, enhances the activity of the genitourinary system.
Popular recipe for the preparation of tea herbal:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of thyme, nettle, mint and st. john's wort;
- Pour into a thermos and fill with boiling water up to the brim;
- Wait 25 minutes, pass through a gauze and pour into a glass bowl;
- Drink three times a day with a glass.
Useful drink with sodium bicarbonate
The sodium bicarbonate is actively used in a popular treatment of sexual dysfunction.
Has medicinal properties:
- Reduces the processes of inflammation in the pelvic area;
- Exerts the prevention of neoplasms;
- Strengthens the immune system;
- Improves the metabolism;
- Promotes the circulation of blood in the genitals.
In combination with milk prepared medicinal drink that helps to cope with noise power. The need to heat the liquid in the amount of a glass and dissolve it in ½ teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda. Take the tool you need per day, after meals.
For those who are allergic to lactose or simply don't like the taste of milk, there is an option of cooking the baking soda with the honey. The proportion of 1:3. Product beekeeping necessary to pre-heat in a bain-marie. Eat a teaspoon after meals three times a day.
Dishes with celery
The vegetables are often included in recipes to increase the power. In particular, the high results in the treatment of sexual disorders indicates the celery. With his help, improves the composition of the sperm, enhances erection, activates sexual desire.
To stimulate the excitation it is recommended that you prepare the following dishes:
- Chopped 150 g celery and the big apple. Fill with a mixture of honey with yogurt. Eat for breakfast;
- In equal parts mix celery, walnuts and grapes, with all the components pre-grind. Add yogurt or sour cream with a minimum percentage of fat. Eat a mixture of 2 times a day.
Home of the drug with propolis
The use of propolis for men is crystal clear, the instrument is discussed not only populism, but and qualified doctors.
"Black gold" helps:
- Prevent the development of an adenoma of the prostate;
- To stabilize the conditions of the nervous system;
- To improve the circulation in the basin;
- Increase the production of testosterone;
- To achieve the prevention of infertility.
On the basis of propolis preparation of the tincture, and also rectal candles:
- 20 g of propolis crushed, put in a glass container and add 80 ml of pure alcohol. Put for a week in a room without access of light. Stir every 2 days. Take 30 drops half an hour before each main meal. The instrument diluted in a glass of water;
- Dissolve 100 animal fat, using a bain-marie. Add 25 g of propolis and wax, previously chopped. Mix and cool the mass. Divided into small pieces and form into candles. Use a course of 14 days, for 1 night.
Sports infused shilajit
Petroleum product refers to drugs that have a beneficial effect on the state of the system, the genito-urinary tract, blood vessels, digestive organs.
Shilajit inhibits the processes of inflammation, makes regenerates tissues, ensures a man of strength and energy. Available sports infusions for the recovery of power, which was prepared in the following way:
- In a mortar, chopped 2 g dried shilajit. Powder, pour 100 ml of water at room temperature. Come for 5 minutes, after that mix to form a dough. Go through several layers of cheesecloth and pour the clean water in this way, to obtain 0.5 l;
- The same amount of raw material mix in 500 ml of water, and picedit, cook in a bain-marie for 30 minutes;
- Pokipyatit the purified water and cool it down to about 60 degrees. Pour 5 g of the crushed stone shilajit. Insist day. Filter through a cheesecloth and dilute with water to obtain a volume of 500 ml.
Tools of vegetable raw materials
The ability of some plants indirectly affect the male libido and the erection quality was seen in the most ancient times. The increase in power with the help of herbs it is possible to determine the conditions :
- sufficient concentration of the active substance (for this it is advisable to buy extracts of some plants in pharmacy);
- regular and long-term care;
- the lack of serious-conditions that affect the power.
The effect will not be so quick and significant, such as, for example, after PDE-5 inhibitors, but in the long term and without negative reactions on the part of the body.
As stimulants erectile function and libido folk medicine recommends the following plants :
- is creeping;
- aloe;
- st. john's wort;
- ginseng;
- thyme;
- nettle;
- licorice root;
- ivan-tea;
- citronella;
- air palustris;
- cuscuta;
- dubrovnik;
- hawthorn;
- the root of gold;
- the cones;
- oak bark;
- kopeechnik.

The action of the herbs aims to raise the general tone, the activation of the circulation, the oppression of pathogens, springs, adjustment of the endocrine system and the nervous system.
Simple and effective recipes :
- 100 g of thyme, pour a glass of boiling water, infuse until cool. To drink after meals, 2 times a day;
- 100 g ginseng root pour 200 ml of boiling water, in infusion for 2 days, then put on the fire, then to 40 minutes. The broth, a little cool, add a tablespoon of honey and 1/3 teaspoon of cinnamon, drink during the day, after meals;
- 2 tablespoons of chopped nettle fresh (blanch the young leaves) pour 100 ml of boiling water, infuse for half an hour. Drink 2 times a day for 20-25 minutes before a meal.
Products of the beekeeping
In addition to the usual honey, the bees produce a lot of other benefits to the power of products: pollen, propolis, as an example, the drone and royal jelly. Effect just means cooked on the quality of the raw materials, so it is better to book the non-literate private beekeepers.
The pollen − fermented bees, the pollen of the flowers, which have pressed honeycomb structure, and then use it as food. This product is unique in its high content of bioactive elements (more than 200). In perg, a large number of easily digestible protein, vitamins B1, B6, B2, F, E, D, E, mineral salts, organic acids, hormones and enzymes. Enough for 2 weeks of taking a teaspoon a day (on empty stomach), to increase hemoglobin, strengthen blood vessels, improve the blood composition. For a gain of power ambrosia consume about a month, then take a break for 2 weeks.
Increase libido and also get rid of impotence will help the drone milk (homogenate) – "the dairy" are the larvae of the bees-drones. In them, in addition to a series of amino acids and vitamins contains steroid hormones, which are safe for the endocrine system men. Homogenate stimulates the libido, which acts as an aphrodisiac, but also can quickly restore the erectile function, improve sperm motility.
Exchange the intake of medicines based on bee products helps to improve the performance body, enhance power, improve tone, get rid of the symptoms of prostatitis. By activating the function of the sexual glands increases the synthesis of testosterone.